Many of economic experts have provided their review, reports arising as a consequence of the Nuclear-deal. I would like to provide my view on the effect of this deal.
According to me, this deal needs to be translated into economics, commerce, trade, development, FDI and mutual admiration. At the moment, Indian Opposition politicians think that the country’s independence and prestige has been sold out. The US politicians are thinking a bit differently but much worst (according to my opinion). They are thinking that a gapping hole has been punched into the NPT regime. Yes, both are right, although the Indian side is stretching it a bit. In US, the Nuclear Lobby Group has gained an upper hand. They confidently are predicting to scuttle the deal. These few former US State Department officials are idealists. They wish to remove all nuclear weapons from India’s hands, hence will precipitate a crisis prior to the deal’s approval(This is a true saying by a Senate in during an Interview at BBC).
When Manmohan – Bush finalized this deal in July of 2005, the Lobby Group mounted an instantaneous opposition. Unable to persuade the Bush administration to renege the deal, they changed tactics and started a campaign against it with the US Congress (the elected body). This resulted in US sending a tough negotiator in Nicholas Burn to negotiate further details and possible concessions to salvage the deal in the US Congress. He did well and ended up in getting ironclad concessions prior to President Bush’s visit to India. The opposition to this agreement is not dead yet. The Nuclear Lobby Group is making a last ditch effort to scuttle the deal in the Congress. But full backing of the President Bush and his able Secretary of State Condi Rice will ultimately help to get this deal through.
a great leap from your old blog, in the right direction.
smart use of photographs.
there were a few errors, for which i would like you to talk to me in person.
but all in all, good progress, good blogpage, good post.
expecting more and better things from you.
good blog. i dont know much about this subject but you have surely helped me to get some insight into it. There are few mistakes( though not significant),otherwise its a nice start to your blog.
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